SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) 8.3 has been released and is now available. The software package + documentation can be available for download from our support site New features for this release include: Windows 8.1 support Support for SafeNet eToken 7300 Updated SDK A detailed description of this release is available…
SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) 8.3 Receives Entrust Ready Certification
After work by the Integrations team, Entrust have notified us that SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) 8.3 has received Entrust-ready certification. You can download the new cerfitication from the SafeNet’s Customer Support Portal:
SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) 8.2 for Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks is now available
Please be advised that a Service Pack for SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) 8.2 for Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks is now available for download from the Partner Support portal. To access the installation package, browse the Public Knowledge base and search for the entry DOW3194.
SafeNet Authentication Client Release Updates
A maintenance release of SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) 8.3 (build 73) is now available on the SafeNet support portal (DOW3075). Installation and upgrade information: Upgrade from SAC 8.2 or previous versions of SAC is available using the MSI installation. When upgrading from the GA version of SAC 8.3, it is…
SafeNet Authentication Client compatibility with MAC OS Yosemite 10.10
SafeNet Authentication Client customers who are planning to upgrade to MAC OS Yosemite 10.10, should be advised that there is currently a driver incompatibility preventing recognition of SafeNet eToken 5100 and eToken PRO tokens. To overcome this issue, please refer to Tech Note TE1542 on SafeNet’s Support Portal.
SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) 9.0 SDK – Release Update
We’d like to inform you that SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) 9.0 SDK is now available for download from the SafeNet Support Portal – DOW3796. New Features and Enhancements SAC 9.0 SDK includes enhancements that have been made to the supported API’s since previous versions of SafeNet Authentication Client. Additional details…
SafeNet Authentication Client 10.0 – Release Announcement
We are pleased to announce the release of SafeNet Authentication Client 10.0. This is an exciting first step to bringing together the core competencies of SafeNet Authentication Client with Gemalto smart cards. SafeNet Authentication Client is available for download from the Gemalto Service Portal, DOW4221. New Key Features • SAC…
SafeNet Authentication Client 10.1 and IDCore 30 – Release Announcement
SafeNet Authentication Client 10.1 We are pleased to announce the release of SafeNet Authentication Client 10.1. This is another exciting step in bringing together the core competencies of SafeNet Authentication Client with Gemalto smart cards. This release allows administrators and users to use and manage IDPrime MD and .NET cards…