EOS/EOL Reminders: Athena ASEDrive IIIe-USB Card Reader IDBridge CT510 reader and SafeNet eToken 7300

As part of our ongoing product communication, we are providing End-of-Sale reminders for Athena ASEDrive IIIe-USB Card Reader and IDBridge CT510 Reader (PC Express) and End-of-Life Reminder for SafeNet eToken 7300

End-of-Sale Reminders

Effective February 28, 2018, Gemalto will discontinue selling the following product to customers and it will no longer be available for purchase (EOS), for details please see the End-of-Sale announcement below:

Effective March 31, 2018, Gemalto will discontinue selling the following product to customers and it will no longer be available for purchase (EOS), for details please see the End-of-Sale announcement below:

End-of-Life Reminder:

Effective May 31, 2018, the following product will be End-of-Life (EOL), for details please see the End-of-Life announcement below:

SafeNet eToken 7300 – View End-of-Life announcement