Title: SafeNet Virtual KeySecure k170v v.1.5 GA Announcement

Gemalto is pleased to announce the official release of SafeNet Virtual KeySecure k170v version 1.5

New in this release:

SafeNet Data Protection On Demand Support: Integration with the HSM On Demand services from SafeNet Data Protection on Demand provides customers with the flexibility of an HSM service in the cloud as a root of trust without the need to host hardware and impact capital outlay.

Support Opaque Objects via REST Interface: The k170v will now allow access to store remote objects via the REST Interface. Opaque objects can be used to support crypto graphic objects (such as PGP keys, passwords, etc.) as well as other sensitive data.

ARIA SEED Support: The k170v now supports the utilization of ARIA and SEED algorithms for the APAC marketplace.

SafeNet Encryption Connector Testing: Continued progress has been made to tighten the integration with the SafeNet Data Protection portfolio, including ProtectFile v8.9.10: CIFS & NFS share encryption and support up to 10,000 file servers with the k170v.

Improved KMIP Support: Enables customers to integrate with existing SafeNet KeySecure Ecosystem Partners such as VMware, vSAN, and will expand to others in the coming months.

Migration Preview for existing SafeNet KeySecure Customers: This latest release allows existing SafeNet KeySecure customers the ability to:

  • Take an existing backup and restore it on a k170v virtual appliance
  • Install k170 firmware on an existing k450 or k460 physical appliance
  • The k170v firmware can now support the HSM firmware on the k460 appliance as a root of trust

Note: There is currently not a full migration path for existing customers, this is meant to be operated in non-production environments for current customers to test existing use cases with the SafeNet Virtual KeySecure k170v, the SafeNet Data Protection portfolio and our partner ecosystem before an official EOL announcement is made.

For a full list of other administrative improvements in this release, please see the customer release notes, available on the Gemalto Customer Support Portal (Document Part Number: 007-000249-001).