The Luna HSM Universal Client v10.4.1 is now available to download and enables your applications to interact with all Luna HSMs (on-premises, cloud and hybrid deployments).
This release is ideal for Luna HSM customers using PED authentication looking to backup or migrate to Luna Cloud HSM (DPoD). It also provides multiple bug fixes and improved stability for customers looking to leverage Luna HSM hybrid solution capabilities.
Luna HSM Hybrid Capabilities
This release provides additional support for customers looking to leverage Luna HSM hybrid solution capabilities:
Backup from Luna HSMs with PED authentication to Luna Cloud HSM Backup Service: customers now have the ability to backup keys to a high resilient cloud HSM service.
Create Hybrid High Availability Groups between Luna HSMs with PED authentication and Luna Cloud HSMs: customers can now use Luna Cloud HSM as their primary HSM with an on-premises Luna HSM for failover and workload balancing or vice versa.
As a reminder, the Luna HSM Universal Client provides the following benefits for customers using Luna HSM hybrid solutions:
Ease of Use:
- Deploy a single client to support both on-premises and cloud-based Luna HSMs
- Clone keys between Luna HSMs and Luna Cloud HSM from Data Protection on Demand (DPoD)
- Securely backup and restore HSM key material between Luna HSMs, Luna Cloud HSMs and Luna Backup HSMs with automatic key replication
- 3rd party HSM integrations working with both Luna HSMs and Luna Cloud HSMs
Downloads & Docs
For more details on this release including: advisory notes, features, upgrade instructions, resolved and known issues please see the customer release notes available onĀ Thales Docs.
Luna HSM Universal Client v10.4.1 can be downloaded from the Support Portal:
- Windows Luna HSM Universal Client v10.4.1 KB0025324
- Linux Luna HSM Universal Client v10.4.1 KB0025325
Note: Linux Minimal Luna HSM Universal Client v10.4 is still the latest version to download KB0025059