We are pleased to announce the release of StorageSecure 1.4.34. Building on the stability of our previous releases, StorageSecure 1.4.34 augments our extensive feature set. This release provides more expanded support for Windows environments. In addition, as more customers move towards software designed datacenters, the latest release also provides enhanced support for VMware.
Highlights of the StorageSecure 1.4.34 release include:
- Up to 3x increase in single connection performance for NFS and iSCSI – Improved single connection performance through Single Connection Pipes
- Easier integration with Windows 2008 and 2012 domains – NTLM2 extended security, for management functions (i.e. domain create, etc).
- NetBIOS now utilizes port 445 and still configurable for port 139
- Higher performance audit logging for NFS mounts
- Improved connection handing in NFS environments – for bursty connection such as Monday Morning Mass Startup
- EMC/Isilon 7.1 CIFS and NFS (beta) support – tested using Isilon virtual appliance
- New and existing system property defaults optimized for improved out-of-the-box experience
- Improved IPSec logging
Full details of the new features, diagnostics and command can be found in the User Guide, Customer Release Notes and Technical Notes.
The release and documentation is available on: https://serviceportal.safenet-inc.com – login required.