We’d like to inform you that the SafeNet Authentication Agent for AD FS version 2.0 is now available for download from the Gemalto Support Portal (DOW4094). This updated release supports the following enhancements and new features:
• Push OTP functionality. This feature will be enabled when SafeNet Authentication Service 3.5 Cloud and MobilePASS+ (Gemalto’s new generation mobile authenticator) become available in January. With Push OTP technology, when accessing a protected resource, a push notification is sent to a software token on the user’s mobile device. The user approves the request with a single tap of a button. Push OTP will be supported when SafeNet Authentication Cloud 3.5 and MobilePASS+ Become available in January.
• Security enhancements, and bug fixes. Several security issues have been resolved, including hardening of the directory permissions level.
Upgrade Information
Note that automatic upgrade from earlier versions of SAS Agent for AD FS to version 2.0 is not supported. In order to maintain configuration continuity between versions, we recommend that before installing the SAS Agent for AD FS 2.0, you save and export the configuration from the older version. You will then be able to import these settings into the new installation. A detailed explanation of this process is available in the CRN.
For additional details about the migration process and the release, please refer to the SAS AD FS FAQ and the CRN.