SafeNet KeySecure 8.5 Featuring Improved Key Management and Support for High-Capacity Cloud Infrastructures
We are pleased to announce the GA release of SafeNet KeySecure 8.5, with the following new features:
Scheduled Key Rotation: This feature helps you to schedule the rotation of versioned keys monthly or weekly that exist on the SafeNet KeySecure. You can now perform scheduled, unattended key rotation and ensure your new version key is properly propagated in a cluster environment. The latest version of the rotated keys will be always in the active state. You can schedule to rotate all the keys or you can also tailor your query in the Query Keys, to filter the keys at any point of time.
KMIP Encrypt / Decrypt Operation: This operation requests the server to perform an encryption / decryption operation on the provided data using a Managed Cryptographic Object as the key for the encryption / decryption operation.
AWS HVM Support: SafeNet KeySecure is now based on a Hardware Virtual Machine (HVM) instead of a Paravirtual (PV) on Amazon Web Services (AWS).This provides SafeNet Virtual KeySecure customers with the ability to run on more AMI environments. Watch for SafeNet Virtual KeySecure 8.5 on AWS Marketplace later this month.
For additional information contact your Gemalto Representative or login to the Customer Portal to read the release notes.