End-of-Sale for the SafeNet SONET Encryptor (SSE) Family This communication announces End-of-Sale for the SafeNet SONET Encryptor (SSE) family. As of March 31, 2016, Gemalto is announcing End-of-Sale and Last Time Buy opportunities for the SafeNet SONET Encryptor (SSE) family. We encourage our customers to transition on to the…
End-of-Sale for SafeNet Fibre Channel Encryptor CN6040
Thales is announcing End-of-Sale and Last Time Buy opportunities for the SafeNet Fibre Channel Encryptor CN6040 We encourage customers to contact support for replacement advice, to find out more about the robust Thales portfolio of best-in-class high-assurance network encryption solutions providing maximum data in motion security and performance, and certified to…
End-of-Sale for SafeNet Ethernet Encryptor CN9100
Thales is announcing End-of-Sale and Last Time Buy opportunities for the SafeNet Ethernet Encryptor CN9100. We encourage customers to transition to the Thales CN9120 Network Encryptor (CN9120). These best-in-class high-assurance high speed encryption solutions provide maximum security and performance, and are certified to the highest security standards. Delivering 100,000,000,000 bits per…
End-of-Sale for SafeNet Multi-Link Encryptor CN8000
Thales is announcing End-of-Sale and Last Time Buy opportunities for the SafeNet Multi-Link Encryptor CN8000. We encourage customers to transition to the Thales CN6140 Multi-link Network Encryptor (CN6140) or the Thales CN9120 Network Encryptor (CN9120). These best-in-class high-assurance high speed encryption solutions provide maximum security and performance, and are certified to…
High Speed Encryption V5.1 Firmware Upgrade
The purpose of this bulletin is to provide guidance for transitioning to the V5.1 firmware release for all fielded appliances. Thales recommends that all HSEs be updated to the V5.1 firmware as soon as possible. The V5.1 is not backward compatible with prior versions of code but provides extensive feature…
End-of-Sale for Thales Datacryptor 5000 High-Speed data in Motion Security Platform
Thales is announcing End-of-Sale and Last Time Buy opportunities for Thales Datacryptor 5000 series, including Datacryptor 5100, Datacryptor 5200, and Datacryptor 5300. We encourage customers to transition to SafeNet High Speed Encryptor CN6000 or CN4000 series devices. These best-in-class high-assurance high speed encryption solutions providing maximum security and performance, and certified…
End-of-Sale for SafeNet Multilink Encryptor CN8000 with 8002 Cards
Gemalto is announcing End-of-Sale and Last Time Buy opportunities for SafeNet Multilink Encryptor CN8000, 5X10GBPS With Chassis, 8002 Cards, SafeNet Multilink Encryptor, CN8000, 10X10GBPS With Chassis, 8002 Card, and CN8000 interface card 8002 (Ethernet ONLY). We encourage our customers to transition to the SafeNet Multilink Encryptor CN8000 with 8003 Cards,…
End-of-Sale for the SafeNet Ethernet Encryptor CN6040
End-of-Sale for the SafeNet Ethernet Encryptor CN6040 This communication announces End-of-Sale for the SafeNet Ethernet Encryptor CN6040 As of June 1, Gemalto is announcing End-of-Sale and Last Time Buy opportunities for the SafeNet Ethernet Encryptor CN6040. We encourage our customers to transition to the SafeNet High Speed Encryptor CN6010. The CN…
SafeNet Ethernet Encryptor CN9100 – GA Announcement
100 Gbps High Speed Mega Data In Motion Encryption At full line rate it encrypts the equivalent of 20,000 HD movies in just one second. Delivering 100,000,000,000 bits per second of high-assurance data encryption, the SafeNet Ethernet Encryptor CN9100 (CN9100) provides mega data security (100 Gbps) and high speed network…
SafeNet High Speed Encryptor Migration Opportunity: Upgrade to the SafeNet CN Series
As announced recently, on June 30, 2016 a number of older SafeNet High Speed Encryptors will enter their End-of-Sale period as part of the End-of-Life process: SafeNet SONET Encryptor (SSE) Family – SSE Model 600 and SSE Model 650 SafeNet CN1000 and CN3000 Encryptor Family (Note: UK CAPS versions…