Posts Tagged ‘EOL’

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Authentication End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Announcements

As part of SafeNet’s strategy of continued investment in our enterprise Authentication platforms, we would like to inform you that we are announcing End-of-Sale and End-of-Life status for several legacy platforms. To ensure you have access and a smooth transition to the latest authentication solutions from SafeNet, we have put…


Support and Maintenance Reminder: SafeNet Luna HSM Software

The following HSM software versions (not the HSM hardware) have reached their end- of-sale dates as per our June 30th, 2015 communication: SafeNet Luna SA 5.0 SafeNet Luna SA 5.1 SafeNet Luna PCIe 5.0 SafeNet Luna G5 1.2 SafeNet Luna G5 1.3 This EOL announcement does not impact SafeNet Luna…


End of Sale Notification: SafeNet OTP 110 & eToken PASS

As part of our ongoing product communications, we are announcing End-of-Sale of the following tokens: Effective as of December 31, 2024, we are planning to stop sales of the above-mentioned tokens. Key dates in the End of Sale process Milestone Date Comment LAST-TIME-BUY (LTB) December 30, 2024 END-OF-SALE (EOS) December…