Posts Tagged ‘SafeNet ProtectApp’

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Customer Release Notes: ProtectApp-JCE, Version 6.4.0 and 6.5.0

Customer release notes are available for ProtectApp-JCE, version 6.4.0 and version 6.5.0. SafeNet ProtectApp-JCE with KMIP support is a Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) provider that integrates applications with SafeNet cryptographic and key-management capabilities. Version 6.4.0 of ProtectApp-JCE is supported by version 6.4.0 of SafeNet DataSecure and Key Secure.  Version 6.5.0…


Customer Release Notes Available for ProtectApp ICAPI v6.6.0

Customer release notes for ProtectApp ICAPI v6.6.0 are now available for download. New features and enhancements in this release include: Expanded implementation of KMIP standard, including support for asymmetric key objects, batching operations, and Application Specific Information attribute Support for Korean algorithm ARIA Secured passphrase functionality Download customer release notes…


Customer Release Notes Available for ProtectApp JCE v6.6.0.01

Customer release notes for ProtectApp JCE v6.6.0.01 are now available for download. New features and enhancements in this release include: Ability to make a non-exportable key available for remote operations when local mode is enabled Batching in HMAC operations Download customer release notes and additional documentation here*: Customer Release Notes…


Customer Release Notes Available for ProtectApp .NET v6.6.0

Customer release notes for ProtectApp .NET v6.6.0 are now available for download. This is a maintenance release that includes the following enhancements: Support for .NET framework 4.5 Passphrase.exe now included in the release package Download* customer release notes and additional documentation now: Customer Release Notes User Guide Please review the…


Customer Release Notes Available for SafeNet ProtectApp v8.4

Customer Release Notes Available for SafeNet ProtectApp v8.4 for JCE, .NET, and ICAPI Customer release notes for SafeNet ProtectApp v8.4 for JCE, .NET, and ICAPI are now available for download. These are maintenance releases that include the following enhancements: SafeNet ProtectApp v8.4 JCE Performance enhancement in local mode Support for…


Customer Release Notes Available for SafeNet Tokenization v8.5

Customer release notes for SafeNet Tokenization v8.5 are now available for download. This release includes the following enhancements: Support multiple KeySecure cluster with Tokenization An application (same process) can communicate with multiple pools (cluster) of KeySecure using tokenization and/or ProtectApp Support for Persistent Key Cache Tokenization can run within branches…


SafeNet ProtectApp v8.6.1 for JCE, .NET, and ICAPI Customer Release Notes Now Available

Customer release notes for SafeNet ProtectApp v8.6.1 for JCE, .NET, and ICAPI are now available for download. These releases include the following enhancements:  SafeNet ProtectApp v8.6.1 JCE   KMIP Enhancements Support for encryption/decryption (part of KMIP 1.2) Support for Flexible Logging Allow customers to user their own Logging system. Adding…