Posts by Lorna Ayoun-Berdugo

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Lorna Ayoun-Berdugo

Blogger profile: Lorna Ayoun-Berdugo

Lorna Ayoun-Berdugo serves as Marketing Operations Specialist for Enterprise & Cybersecurity at Gemalto, responsible for driving and developing the processes required to ensure successful product releases. Previously, Lorna worked as Freelance translator and as Software Trainer in hospitals in Europe and in Israel. Lorna holds a Master of Arts degree an in French Literature and a Diploma in written and oral translation.


SafeNet Authentication Service PCE/SPE 3.9.1 – Release Announcement

We are pleased to announce the release of Push OTP with the latest release of SafeNet Authentication Service PCE/SPE 3.9.1. This release introduces easy and user-friendly Push authentication to SAS PCE/SPE customers. The Push feature is supported with MobilePASS+ on iOS, Android and Windows 10 desktop and mobile platforms. The…


SafeNet Authentication Service Agent for Oracle Access Manager (OAM) 1.2 – Release Announcement

We are pleased to inform you that SafeNet Authentication Service Agent for Oracle Access Manager (OAM) 1.2 is now available.  This updated version includes the following enhancements: Solaris support TLS 1.2 support Installation and configuration instructions, along with the agent itself, can be downloaded from the Gemalto Customer Portal KB0018550…


Simplify the onboarding and provisioning of customers in SafeNet Data Protection On Demand Version 1.8

We are pleased to announce the release of SafeNet Data Protection On Demand v.1.8 (DPoD). This release highlights our ongoing efforts to simplify the onboarding process and provisioning of customers, especially for service providers such as MSPs and MSSPs.  Taking advantage of the market opportunity DPoD brings, MSPs, MSSPs and…


IDBridge K3000 and IDBridge CT510 – End-of-Life Reminder

As part of our ongoing product communication, below is an End-of-Life reminder for IDBridge K3000 and IDBridge CT510. IDBridge K3000:  Effective as of April 3, 2019, IDBridge K3000 will be End-of-Life (EOL), for details please see the End-of-Life announcement. IDBridge CT510:  Effective as of March 31, 2019, IDBridge CT510 will be End-of-Life (EOL), for details please see the End-of-Life announcement.


SafeNet Authentication Service Agent for Outlook Web Application (OWA) 2.1.2 – Release announcement

We are pleased to inform you that Service Agent for Outlook Web Application (OWA) 2.1.2. is now available.  This updated version features the following improvements: Support for Office Online Server (OOS) with Exchange 2016 Key security upgrades to increase agent’s robustness Installation and configuration instructions, along with the agent itself,…


SafeNet Authentication Service Agent for Windows Logon (WLA) 2.3.0 – Release Announcement

We are pleased to announce the release of SafeNet Authentication Service Agent for Windows Logon (WLA) 2.3.0. This release brings the following feature: Skip OTP feature for unlock events: When end user only needs to unlock his machine, this feature enables skipping the OTP prompt and only AD password is needed.…


SafeNet MobilePASS+ Releases – Release Announcement

We are pleased to announce the following SafeNet MobilePASS+ releases: SafeNet MobilePASS+ for Android v1.6.3 This release brings the following features: Android P support Google Project Fi support Download: KB0018329 and Google Play SafeNet MobilePASS+ app for Windows v1.4.2 This release brings the following features: Enterprise Deployment Support : EXE…


SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) 10.2 for Mac –  Release Announcement

We would like to announce the release of SafeNet Authentication Client (SAC) 10.2 for Mac. This version offers the following features: Support for MacOS Mojave (10.14) Support for Classic Client V3 cards: Introduced as part of the eBanking migration plan to use IDPrime MD cards Support for SafeNet IDPrime 940/3940…


SafeNet Authentication Manager OTP License – End-of-Sale Announcement

As of 30 May, 2019 we are planning to stop sales of SafeNet Authentication Manager for OTP use cases. We will continue to sell SafeNet Authentication Manager with certificate‐based tokens for existing customers. The End‐of‐Sale Schedule is outlined below. Milestone Date LAST-TIME-BUY (LTB) May 30, 2019 END-OF-SALES (EOS) May 31,…