SafeNet eToken 5110 FIPS The FIPS certification for the SafeNet eToken 5110 FIPS will be sunset by January 2022 and will be moved from “Active” to “Historical” status. Although the FIPS certificate for the eToken 5110 FIPS will continue to be valid, after January 2022 these tokens can no longer…
CipherTrust Cloud Key Manager v2.10.0 – Integration with AWS KMS XKS
We are pleased to announce the final portion of the official release of CipherTrust Cloud Key Manager (CCKM) Version 2.10.0 – CCKM support for AWS KMS External Key Store (XKS) Hold Your Own Key (HYOK). In support of AWS re:Invent 2022 (28 Nov – 2 Dec), we delayed announcing the…
Luna v7.8.1 Now Available
Thales is pleased to announce that Luna Network HSM Appliance Software 7.8.1 is now available for download. What’s New in Luna 7.8.1? As well as the usual security updates, Luna 7.8.1 offers you several new features: 1. Manageability HSM as Service: Simplify the management of your fleet of HSMs with…
CipherTrust Transparent Encryption Release 7.3.0 Announcement (GA 22-Nov-2022)
We are pleased to announce the official release of CipherTrust Transparent Encryption (CTE) Version 7.3.0 for Linux, Windows & AIX and CipherTrust Transparent Encryption UserSpace (CTE-U) Version 10.0. This update also includes new features in the upcoming 30-Nov-2022 release of CipherTrust Transparent Encryption for Kubernetes (CTE-K8s) Version 1.1.0. Key highlights:…
New FIDO Token for Microsoft now Available!
We are excited to launch the new Thales FIDO Token for Microsoft and make it available for sale worldwide. This is a custom Microsoft-branded version of the SafeNet eToken FIDO, produced in white casing with the Microsoft Security logo on one side. This token is being delivered in a Microsoft…
Thales Data Protection on Demand’s Cryptovisor Achieves Updated FIPS 140-2 Recertification
Thales Cryptovisor K7, the cryptographic module embedded in Luna Cloud HSM on the DPoD platform, has just completed its latest FIPS 140-2 certificate update resulting in the new FIPS certificates 4327 and 4328. Thales remains among an elite group of providers offering a cloud service with a FIPS-validated hardware root of trust. The…
Executive Summary This memo serves to highlight two important changes to CipherTrust Manager’s physical appliance offering to enhance the firmware offered as standard and working around supply chain issues with the product. Firmware Update for Physical Appliances Thales has made the decision to update the default firmware shipping with CipherTrust…
CipherTrust Platform Products – Release 2.10.0
We are pleased to announce the official release of CipherTrust Manager Version 2.10 with added support for: AWS, Azure, Google and Terraform. The top CM takeaways are support for: nShield Network HSM as Root of Trust Prometheus – Cluster Health can now be monitored and alerts defined for intervention and…
SafeNet eToken 5110+ CC (940B)– Release Announcement
SafeNet eToken 5110+ CC (940B)– Release Announcement As part of our ongoing efforts to address the component shortage and ensure ongoing inventory, we are releasing the SafeNet eToken 5110+ CC (940B). This token, based on SafeNet IDPrime 940B offers the same features as the SafeNet eToken 5110+CC (940). Note: The…
Universal Cloning Now Available on Thales Data Protection on Demand (DPoD)
Exciting news for DPoD users! With the latest firmware update, Luna Cloud HSM on DPoD now supports Universal Cloning. With this new feature, migrating key materials from Luna Cloud HSM to any trusted Thales hardware or cloud-based HSM, will be effortless. Especially noteworthy is the ability to easily migrate keys…