Posts by Shiri Amit

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Shiri Amit

Blogger profile: Shiri Amit

Shiri Amit serves as the Marketing Operations Specialist for Authentication at SafeNet, responsible for driving and developing the processes required to ensure successful product releases. Previously, Shiri was Facilities Manager of SafeNet’s Israeli sites. Shiri holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a Bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Sciences.



SafeNet Authentication Service Agent for Epic Hyperspace 1.0 – Release Announcement

We are pleased to announce the release of SafeNet Authentication Service Agent for Epic Hyperspace v1.0, a new SafeNet Authentication Service agent that enables integration with Epic Hyperspace, Epic’s electronic health record (EHR) software. The agent is available for all editions of SafeNet Authentication Service (SAS), including SAS Cloud Edition…


Context-based Authentication and Enhanced User Login for SAML 

Context-based Authentication This feature allows authentication requirements to vary depending on the context of the authentication request. Customers can configure a Contextual Authentication Policy that skips the authentication requirement when certain Contextual Authentication Rules are met, so that a password and/or one-time passcode is only required in high risk situations.…


PKI Authentication Product Releases: SAC 10.2; IDPrime MD 830; SAM Hotfix

We are pleased to announce the release and updates of the following new PKI authentication products: SafeNet Authentication Client 10.2 – DOW4586. . SafeNet Authentication Client 10.2 introduces support for PIN pad readers and the newly released Hybrid IDPrime MD 830. Supported PIN pad readers include: • Gemalto IDBridge CT700…


Gemalto Authentication Products – End of Sale/End of Life Reminders

As part of our ongoing communications around recent End of Sale/Life announcements for several of Gemalto Authentication products, we’d like to remind you of the following End Of Sale (EOS) and End Of Life (EOL): • Effective March 31, 2017, BlackShield ID v2.7 will be discontinued and no longer supported…


SafeNet MobilePASS+ 1.3 – Release Announcement

We are happy to inform you that SafeNet MobilePASS+ v1.3 is now available for download from the Google Play and Apple’s App Store. SafeNet MobilePASS+ 1.3 introduces new features and resolves several issues. New Features • Landscape Display in iPad • Auto-Select of Single Token • Pushed Message Queuing Panel